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Meeting Record - November 26, 2013
Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) Science Committee (SC)
Orientation Session Teleconference (9:00 – 12:00 EST)
Committee Members
- Sylvain Bintein
- Peter Campbell
- Nicola Cherry
- Elaine Cohen Hubal
- Miriam Diamond
- Geoff Granville
- Barbara Hales
- Jonathan Martin
- Don Wilke
Government of Canada Officials
- Robert Chénier (Director, Ecological Risk Assessment Division, Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada)
- Joanna McCaffrey (Senior Procurement and Contracts Advisor, Existing Substances Risk Assessment Bureau, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada)
- Christine Norman (Director, Existing Substances Risk Assessment Bureau, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada)
- Amanda Jane Preece (Director General, Safe Environments Directorate, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada)
- Jennifer Walter (Senior Policy Analyst, Existing Substances Risk Assessment Bureau, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada)
As a first step in launching the CMP Science Committee, the Government of Canada hosted an orientation session on November 26, 2013 for the 10 newly appointed members of the Committee. The session covered information about the CMP as well as administrative details pertinent to the Committee moving forward. Outlined below is a brief summary of the meeting.
Christine Norman, Director, Existing Substances Risk Assessment Bureau – Health Canada, where the Committee Secretariat is housed, and Robert Chénier, Director, Ecological Assessment Division – Environment Canada, welcomed all of the members to the session. Amanda Jane Preece, Director General, Safe Environments Directorate - Health Canada, and the Committee Executive Secretary, officially welcomed the members to the CMP Science Committee and thanked them for their interest and commitment to the Committee.
After a brief round table, government officials delivered a number of presentations to Committee members, who were free to ask questions throughout the session:
- Roles and Responsibilities of members and co-chairs
- Overview of the CMP
- Risk Assessment Considerations under the CMP
- Preliminary travel details: process and requirements
- Next steps and cursory details for the first face to face meeting in February 2014